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Understanding and treating separation anxiety in dogs

Separation anxiety in dogs is a common anxiety disorder that can cause stress and unhappiness when owners are away. In both dogs and cats, it is essential to know the signs, causes and management strategies for this anxiety. In this article we will take a closer look at separation anxiety in dogs and offer practical tips to help our furry friends feel calmer and more secure.


What is separation anxiety in pets?


Separation anxiety is a behavioural disorder that occurs when furry dogs feel stressed or anxious when left home alone. This may result in symptoms such as destructive behaviour, excessive barking, excessive salivation or agitated behaviour. Understanding these signs is essential for appropriate intervention.


Causes and risk factors


Separation anxiety in companion animals can have different causes and risk factors:


  • Changes in routine: Changes in daily schedule or prolonged absences can trigger separation anxiety in dogs.


  • Traumatic experiences: Furry dogs that have experienced negative events during periods of separation, such as abandonment or loss of a companion, are more likely to develop this anxiety.


  • Early separation from mother: Early separation from siblings and mother may also contribute to the development of this disorder.


  • Excessive attachment: Too close a bond between pet and owner can lead to excessive dependence, which can cause anxiety when separated.


separation anxiety maikai pets


Risk factors include the breed of the dog and lack of socialisation during the developmental period. By understanding these causes and risk factors, owners can take preventative measures and implement appropriate strategies to help their faithful companions manage separation anxiety.


Techniques for managing separation anxiety in dogs

Here are some effective techniques for managing separation anxiety in dogs:


  • Gradual separation training: get your four-legged friend used to periods of solitude, starting with short absences and gradually increasing the duration.



  • Create a soothing environment: Provide your furry friend with a comfortable space with cushions or anti-stress baskets to soothe them while you’re away.


  • Regular exercise: Make sure your pet gets enough exercise to reduce energy and stress levels.


  • Use relaxation methods: You can also try relaxation techniques such as soothing music or aromatherapy to calm your furry friend.


Every dog is unique, so it is important to tailor these techniques to your pet’s individual needs. If separation anxiety persists, consult a veterinarian or animal behaviourist for further assistance.


In conclusion, by adopting techniques such as progressive training, creating a calming environment, regular exercise, use of teethers and relaxation methods, owners can help their four-legged companions better manage separation anxiety. The patience and perseverance are essential, taking into account the individual needs of each animal. If necessary, consulting a professional animal behaviourist may be beneficial for further advice. With these tailored approaches, it is possible to help dogs feel more comfortable and confident when alone, thus promoting their emotional well-being and overall balance.



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