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Why can your pet’s bad breath be a sign of health problems?


When we adopt a dog or cat, we immediately think of them as a member of our family. We give them love, attention and care for their well-being as much as we can. However, it can sometimes be difficult to detect signs of a health problem in our pets.


Bad breath is one such sign. Although this may seem like a minor problem, it can be an indicator of a number of serious health problems in our faithful companions. Bad breath is most often caused by a build-up of bacteria in your furry friend’s mouth, but it can also be a sign of more serious diseases such as gingivitis, calicivirus or dental tartar.


In this article we will explore the different causes of bad breath in dogs and cats, as well as steps you can take to prevent it. By paying attention to your four-legged friend’s oral health, you can help prevent more serious health problems and keep him or her happy and healthy for many years to come.


Causes of bad breath in dogs and cats


Bad breath in dogs and cats can be a sign of underlying health problems such as tartar, gingivitis or dental infections. If plaque is not removed, it can calcify and form tartar, which can also cause inflammation of the gums and lead to gingivitis or even dental infection. These oral problems can cause pain, discomfort and bad breath in your pet.


However, it is also possible that bad breath is a symptom of more serious diseases. For example, in cats, calicivirus can cause inflammation of the gums, fever and loss of appetite. In this case, bad breath can be an early indicator of this viral disease, which can be serious if not treated quickly.


Prevention of bad breath in dogs and cats


Taking care of your pet’s dental hygiene is essential to prevent bad breath. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Use a dog or cat toothpaste: There are toothpastes specially designed for pets. They are safe and help reduce plaque. However, care must be taken with quality and ingredients.




  • It offers natural tidbits and teethers: They can help remove plaque and prevent bad breath. At MAIKAI Pets, we offer a wide range of 100% natural and environmentally friendly products. You are sure to find what you are looking for.


  • Regular dental scaling: Dental scaling at the vet’s can help prevent tartar build-up and prevent gingivitis and dental infections.


  • See your vet: If you notice a persistent oral malodour in your pet, see your vet to rule out any underlying health problems.


In short, your pet’s bad breath can be a sign of oral health problems as well as more serious diseases. By taking care of your furry friend’s health with regular preventive practices, you can prevent disease. Your pet deserves the best possible care for a happy and healthy life, and looking after their oral health is a great way to ensure this.