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Pet insurance: the complete guide to choosing pet insurance

Pet insurance: everything you need to know

There are so many pet insurances available that it can be overwhelming. Choosing pet insurance can be a stressful task if you don’t know where to start. That’s why here we offer you the complete guide to everything you need to know so that you can choose the insurance that best suits your furry friend. You can find this and other guides in our Tips section of our blog.

Pet insurance: why is it important?

Let’s start with the first thing – why should my pet have insurance? Pet insurance is an increasingly popular way to protect our beloved furry companions.s. By taking out insurance for our pet, we can have the peace of mind of knowing that we will be financially prepared for any emergency or illness that may affect our companion. Moreover, as we will explain later, with the new Animal Welfare Law, it will be compulsory in Spain to have one for your pet from the end of September 2023.

Types of pet insurance

Existen diferentes tipos de seguro para mascThere are different types of pet insurance, depending on the coverage they offer.otas, según las coberturas que ofrecen. Above all, there are three different types of insurance for your pet:

  • Accident insurance for pets: it responds to third parties and takes care of the treatment of injuries that the animal may suffer in an accident.


  • Liability insurance: protects against financial and material damage caused by an animal attack.


  • veterinar y care insurance: covers the costs associated with the veterinary consultation.


In addition to these three categories, many insurers also offer other lesser-known benefits, such as 24-hour telephone assistance or preventive programmes. Depending on the insurance you take out, these categories range from more basic plans to more comprehensive and personalised options.

How to choose the ideal insurance for your pet

When choosing insurance, it is important to consider a number of factors and make sure you select the plan that best suits you and your pet’s needs.

Step 1. Be clear about what your pet needs

The first thing to do when deciding which insurance to take out is to consider the individual needs of your pet and your own preferences. For example, some dogs, cats or other animals require specific medical treatments due to their breed, age or pre-existing health conditions. Similarly, if we have a cat that ventures outdoors, we must ensure that we have adequate protection against risks such as accidents or loss.

We advise you to make a list of your pet’s characteristics, to ensure that everything he or she needs is covered. It is also important to take into account your own habits and needs as an owner. Be clear about your expectations and preferences. Here it is essential to assess your budget and determine how much you are willing to invest in your pet’s care.

Step 2. Research and compare your options

The sheer number of possible alternatives may seem overwhelming, but having done the previous step, it will be much easier to make sure you choose the right one. When you are researching what a particular plan offers you, make sure it includes all the items on your list of needs. If you need help to start looking, below is a list of the best pet insurances in Spain.

Once you have a shortlist of your favourites, it’s time to compare. You can use an insurance comparator to save yourself some work.

It is advisable that, in your final selection, you contact the insurers that you liked the most. In a one-to-one deal, you will have the opportunity to get more personalised information and make sure it would be the right choice.

Things to consider in your pet insurance research

What is its annual maximum:

The annual maximum is the maximum amount of money you can be reimbursed each year. The insurance you choose will cover your expenses up to the annual maximum.

Do you offer lifetime coverage?

Please note that not all insurances provide this option. Therefore, if it is important to you that you do not have to change your pet’s insurance as he or she gets older, choose one that does.

The waiting period:

This is the time that elapses from the time the insurance is taken out until the insurance cover can be used. During this period, the policy will not cover any expenses related to the pet’s health or accidents.

Step 3. Choose your ideal pet insurance!

You may have organically arrived at your perfect insurer in the previous step, but it is also very common that you are still between a couple of options. Choosing the perfect insurance for your pet is a complicated task, and it is important to make the right choice to ensure the health and well-being of your beloved pet.

To help you in this last decision, it may be useful to make a list of all the pros (the extra coverages they offer, if it is an affordable price, dealing with the right client…) and cons (higher price, missing coverages. ..) of each option. This way, you will have all the information you need in a summarized and visual way, making it easier for you to choose the best option.

Remember that you can always seek professional advice if you have questions or need guidance in the selection process. The most important thing is to make sure you provide your pet with adequate coverage for any medical eventuality, so you can have peace of mind knowing that they will be protected at all times.

The best pet insurance in Spain 2023

We want to help you choose the right pet insurance and enjoy the peace of mind of having everything covered for your companion, so we have prepared a list of the best pet insurance in Spain. This way, you can use it as a first step to begin your research.

The best insurance for dogs and cats


Barkibu offers insurance for dogs and cats, with a reimbursement rate of 80%. In addition, it has the possibility of lifetime coverage and you choosing the veterinarian.


SantéVet is also focused on dogs and cats, and their refund rate is 90% (and in 48 hours!). They do not exclude any race and guarantee coverage for life and in any country in the world. In addition, they allow you to choose the veterinarian you consider for your pet.


Petplan is a dog insurance that has a 100% reimbursement percentage, although it has a mandatory co-payment of €45. This insurance company allows you to choose the veterinarian of your free choice.


Caser offers three types of dog insurance: WeCAN RC, WeCAN Check and We CAN Live. WeCAN RC focuses solely on civil liability, while the other two also offer veterinary expenses.


Mapfre offers insurance for dogs, cats, horses and exotic animals. You can choose very freely the coverage you want to hire, so it will depend a lot on your budget and your needs.


What happens if a dog doesn’t have insurance?

If a dog does not have insurance, its owner will be responsible for covering all medical and legal expenses in the event of accidents or illnesses. Furthermore, you will not be protected against possible claims from third parties for damage caused by the dog. It is important to have insurance to ensure the protection and well-being of the dog and avoid unforeseen expenses.

What insurance does the new Animal Welfare Law require you to have?

The Animal Welfare Law, which will come into force at the end of September 2023, will make it mandatory for all dog owners to take out civil liability insurance for damage to third parties.

What insurance should a dog have?

A dog must have civil liability insurance to cover possible damages it may cause to third parties. It is also advisable to have health insurance to guarantee your well-being and cover veterinary expenses in case of illness or accident.

What dogs are required to have mandatory insurance?

Until now, dogs of breeds considered potentially dangerous are required to have compulsory insurance in Spain. However, from September 2023, with the entry into force of the Animal Welfare Law, all dogs will be required to have civil liability insurance.

What does civil liability for domestic animals cover?

Pet civil liability covers damages they may cause to third parties, including injuries or property damage.

What does pet insurance include?

Pet insurance typically includes coverage for medical expenses, such as veterinary visits, surgeries, and medications. They can also cover accidents and illnesses, as well as civil liability in case of damage caused by the pet and other additional services such as vaccinations and sterilization.




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