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Tips to protect your furry friend from the heat

Get ready for the heat!

With the arrival of the hot weather, it’s super important to make sure our furry friends are prepared to face the high temperatures and the challenges that this time of year brings…

Here’s a complete guide with tips and advice to ensure your furry friend is comfortable, happy and above all healthy during the warmer months.

1. Constant hydration

Heat can cause dehydration in animals, so make sure your furry friend has access to fresh water at all times.

Place several water containers in different areas of the house and renew the water frequently to keep it fresh and clean.

2. Adequate food

During the summer, it is important to adjust your pet’s diet according to its needs. Opt for light, easily digestible foods and avoid overfeeding to prevent digestive problems. Also, consider giving them meals earlier in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the midday heat.

During the day you can give him an ice-cream to cool him down, which will also have great health benefits.

3. Smart walks

Avoid walking your furry friend during the hottest part of the day, as the hot pavement can burn his paw pads, which you should still protect with a paw pad repairer.

Opt for early morning or late evening walks when the temperature is cooler. Always carry fresh water with you and take frequent breaks to allow your furry friend to cool down.

4. Cool and shady shelter

Proporciona a tu peludo un refugio fresco y sombreado donde pueda descansar durante el día. You can set up a tent or parasol in the garden, create a cool area indoors with fans or air conditioning, or even build a special kennel for your pet outside.

5. Suitable haircuts

Consider trimming your furry friend’s coat to help make him more comfortable.

However, bear in mind that the coat also acts as a heat insulator, so it is not advisable to shave it completely, especially if it spends a lot of time outdoors. Consult a professional groomer to find the most appropriate cutting style for your furry friend’s breed and coat type.

6. Watch out for signs of heat stress

Watch for signs of overheating in your furry friend, such as excessive panting, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhoea and disorientation. If you think your furry friend is experiencing heat stroke, immediately move him or her to a cool place, offer cool, moist water, and seek immediate veterinary care.

7. Safe travel

If you plan to travel with your furry friend during the summer, make sure you take the necessary precautions to keep them safe and comfortable during your trip.

Never leave your furry friend inside a parked vehicle, even for short periods of time, as the temperature inside the car can rise rapidly and cause heat stroke.

8. Refreshing baths

A refreshing bath can help your furry friend stay cool.

Use lukewarm water and mild pet-specific shampoo, and be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue that may cause skin irritation.

9. Veterinary care

Schedule a routine veterinary visit before the summer to make sure your furry friend is in optimal health to face the hot season.

Consult with your veterinarian about any specific concerns you have.

Remember that your furry friend’s safety and well-being are paramount during the summer months.

With these tips, you can help your furry friend stay cool, happy and healthy as you enjoy the sun and fresh air together.

Happy summer, Maikai family! 🌞🐾